Designed the eBay Data Warehouse, implemented a full data pipeline on AWS, and created BI dashboards using AWS QuickSight

Ebay Data Warehouse Ebay Data Analysis

The Ebay Data Warehouse was a final project for the Data Warehousing course. My responsibilities included designing the warehouse, loading the delivery company dimension with SCD1, and creating all the QuickSight dashboards.

Ebay Data Warehouse

Ebay Data Pipeline

For the data warehouse design, our group developed two business processes: laptop item sales and the order life cycle. The dimensions used include date, time, user, delivery company, and laptop. The fact tables are item sales and the order life cycle. We applied concepts of multiple role dimensions and degenerate dimensions (DD). Additionally, each dimension was assigned a Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) type.

Data Warehouse Design of Laptop Sales

Data Warehouse Design of Order Lifecycle

Conformed Bus Matrix


First, the process began with data source preparation and cleaning. I was responsible for preparing the delivery company source database. The delivery company data was scraped from this eBay page. After that, the data was preprocessed using Python and then loaded into the source database using AWS RDS.

Once all data was in the source database, I loaded the delivery company source database with SCD1 using AWS Glue into the data warehouse. Furthermore, I calculated lag measures such as SoldToShippedLag and ShippedToDeliveredLag using SQL for the order life cycle fact table.

Load Dimension

After completing the data warehouse, I created two dashboards using AWS QuickSight to analyze item sales and the order life cycle.

Laptop Sales Analysis

Order LifeCycle Analysis